BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • 2014 Snowy Ride - Fundraisng for the Steven Walter Foundation

2014 Snowy Ride - Fundraisng for the Steven Walter Foundation

  • 01 Nov 2014
  • 08:00
  • 02 Nov 2014
  • 16:00
  • Snowy Mountains Region, NSW

The Snowy Ride is a motorcycle event run annually in the Alpine Region of NSW and now in its eleventh year has raised in excess of 3 million dollars for the Steven Walter Foundation.

All monies raised by the Foundation goes to childhood cancer research programs and support of children with cancer.  The aim of the Snowy Ride was to involve the motorcycle riders of Australia into raising money for research into childhood cancer and its side effects and to give the local volunteer organisations of the Snowy mountains area the chance to raise money for their own communities.

Read more and register here

Ride Coordinator:  Whilst this ride raises money for a very worthy cause it does attract a lot of inexperienced and overly enthusiatic riders to the mountains. So if you are in the area, take care.

Want a more sedate and social weekend camping?  Then why not consider the Trout Rally @ 3 Mile Dam.

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