BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Alternative Breakfast - Long Flat Pantry, Jugiong

Alternative Breakfast - Long Flat Pantry, Jugiong

  • 02 Mar 2014
  • 08:30
  • Departure from Hall lay-by, Barton Highway, NSW

March's Alternative Breakfast is being held at the Long Track Pantry, Jugiong, NSW, from 9:30 AM. For those wanting to spend more time riding, a ride will follow.

The Long Track Pantry is located in the middle of Jugiong, on Riverside Drive - the Old Hume Highway [Google Maps ref ]

Group departure from the Hall lay-by, Barton Highway, at 8:30 AM.

RSVP the Social Secretary, Steve Hay, at,, or on 0422 006 727.
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