BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • BMWMCCACT General Meeting

BMWMCCACT General Meeting

  • 16 Feb 2014
  • 08:30 (AEDT)
  • Cotter Reserve (near Dam wall), off Paddys River Road
February's BMWMCCACT General Meeting is being held at the Cotter Reserve, off Paddy's River Road [i.e. reserve near the Cotter Dam wall - see Google maps ref: ]

The meeting will kick off starting with breakfast followed by the General Meeting. A ride is planned to follow at the conclusion of formalities around 10:00 AM (Details TBA).

For $5 each, the Club will serve up:
  • A bacon & egg roll; and
  • a coffee (additional coffees @ $2)
POC is the Club President, Martin Robertson on or 0409 329 270.
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