BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Saturday Ride – Majors Creek, NSW (Club Event)

Saturday Ride – Majors Creek, NSW (Club Event)

  • 18 May 2024
  • 10:30 - 15:30
  • Majors Creek Pub (for lunch) – TS1


Registration is closed

NOTE: Ride has been rescheduled from Saturday 11th May to Saturday 18th May due to heavy rainfall forecast for 11th May.

It’s time to start adjusting to cool climate riding so why not zip in a layer and join the Club for a leisurely Saturday ride to the Majors Creek Pub for lunch?

Outbound: from Sutton via QBN, Briars Sharrow Rd to Bungendore then onto Braidwood and Majors Creek (120 km) for lunch at 12:15: Google Maps

Return: Via Braidwood and Bungendore to then disperse northside/southside.

Approximately 240 km return on sealed main and secondary roads (expect some damaged surfaces).  

Meeting Point: Meet fuelled and ready to go (both you and your bike!) at the Little Sutton Bakehouse (Sutton Bakery), Victoria St, Sutton, for a prompt 10:30 departure.

Note: We’re riding straight through with no rest stop, so if you’re programmed to eat mid-morning, suggest you fill up at Sutton first!

GS Riders: Those keen to take a gravel/dirt option, then do so and join TS riders at the Pub.

Register if you're interested in coming so I can let the Pub know likely numbers for lunch. Please email if you plan to meet the group on the way or at the Pub.

For those joining the ride along the way, or making their own way to the Pub, proposed meeting points (with best guess times) are:

  • Sutton Bakehouse (Sutton Bakery) - leaving 10:30
  • QBN (Red Rooster, Bungendore Rd) - passing through 10:50 (not stopping)
  • Bungendore  - passing through 11:15 (not stopping)
  • Braidwood - passing through 11:55 (not stopping)
  • Majors Creek Pub - arriving 12:10 (lunch booking @12:15)



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