BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Micalong Creek Day Ride (Club Event)

Micalong Creek Day Ride (Club Event)

  • 01 Jan 2024
  • 08:45 - 16:00 (AEDT)
  • Wee Jasper GS1 / TS1


Join the Club for a New Year's day ride to Micalong Creek Reserve for a BYO lunch and meet up with the motorcycle rally crowd enjoying a social New Years eve weekend.

Meet at the McDonalds / Ampol servo Molongolo for coffee and fuel at 0900 and GS ride via Piccadilly Circus, Brindabella Valley and Nottingham Road down to Micalong Creek.  Google Map.

TS riders can ride via Mountain Creek Road to Wee Jasper then follow the signs to Micalong Creek.  There is ~5km of 2WD dirt road after Wee Jasper and be on the look out for wash outs and cars coming the other way.

Pack your own lunch, drinks & bring the swimming gear.  You can sit in the creek or take the ~1km walk to water hole.  There are NO shops in Wee Jasper.

When you come in to Micalong Creek take the road left (down hill) or right (from Wee Jasper at the bridge and look for the motorbikes but expect a few quadracycles as well for those staying for the 3-4 days. 

Bring $15 cash if you want to add to or start your rally badge collection.

It may just be coffee if it is raining or the weather not conducive to social riding around.

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