BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Day Ride – Laggan, NSW (Club Event)

Day Ride – Laggan, NSW (Club Event)

  • 10 Jun 2023
  • 10:30 - 16:00
  • Laggan Hotel, Laggan (for lunch) - TS1

Registration is closed

Updated 6/6/2023 - Google Maps links added (return route options) 

Why not test out the winter riding gear and join the Club for a leisurely Saturday ride to the Laggan Hotel for lunch?

Laggan Pub – EST. 1924

Outbound: from Sutton to Gunning, Grabben Gullen, Crookwell and onto the Laggan Hotel (100 km) for lunch at 12:00: Google Maps

Return: Various return options (each to their own and to decide on the day), e.g.:

  • Via Taralga, Goulburn, Federal Hwy to BP Watson, 155kmGoogle Maps: 
  • Via Crookwell, Grabben Gullen, Range Rd,Goulburn, Federal Hwy to BP Watson,145 km: Google Maps:  

  • Via Crookwell, Rugby, Boorowa to Ampol Gold Creek, Nicholls, 194km (Note: Boorowa Rd to Rugby & Boorowa could be in poor condition): Google Maps  
  • Via Crookwell, Goulburn, Federal Hwy to BP Watson, 140 km: Google Maps  

Approximately 200 to 300 km return (depending on return route) on sealed main and secondary roads but expect damaged surfaces.  

Meeting Point: Meet fuelled and ready to go (both you and your bike!) at the Little Sutton Bakehouse (Sutton Bakery), Victoria St, Sutton, for a prompt 10:30 departure.

GS Riders: Those keen to detour onto gravel or dirt are more than welcome to join en route, or at the Pub.

Register if you're interested in coming so I can let the Pub know likely numbers for lunch. Please email if you plan to meet the group on the way or at the Pub.

For those joining the ride along the way, or making their own way to the Pub, proposed meeting points (with best guess times) are:

  • Sutton Bakehouse (Sutton Bakery) - leaving 10:30
  • Gundaroo (outside Cork St Café)    - arriving and leaving 10:45
  • Gunning (opposite Telegraph Hotel) - arriving and leaving 11:15
  • Laggan Hotel - arriving 11.50 (lunch booking @12:00)



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