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  • Day Ride – Tumut-Wondalga Loop, NSW (Club Event)

Day Ride – Tumut-Wondalga Loop, NSW (Club Event)

  • 19 Nov 2022
  • 08:00 - 18:00
  • Tumut River Brewing Co (for lunch) - TS2

Registration is closed

Update 14 November – See Note at end of Text

If you don’t mind getting up at the crack of dawn for a longer day of riding (~520km),  then why not join the Club for a panoramic loop ride through the Snowy Mountains foothills and Green Hills State Forest, to lunch at the Tumut River Brewing Co.?

Outbound via the Barton and Hume Hwys to Gundagai (coffee stop), where we thankfully leave the straight roads and pick up some truly nice riding roads. Climbing up to Tumut via Brungle Rd (Gocup Rd’s an alternative option here), then straight through Tumut on the Snowy Mtns Hwy and Batlow Rd to Wondalga. Here we’ll pick up winding Wondalga Rd onto Broadleaf Park (Wondalga), Taradale and Courabyra Rds for bends and scenery galore. We’ll then re-join Batlow Rd in the direction of Tumut, breaking left onto Green Hills Access Rd and back onto Wondalga Rd to enjoy its series of bends in the opposite direction,  dropping down to Tumut for a late lunch (ETA 1.15pm, so those programmed to eat at midday might need to fill up in Gundagai!).

Return via Gocup Rd to Gundagai and then the Hume Hwy for the straight run home. 

Google Maps 

Approximately 510km on sealed main and secondary roads.

Meeting Point: Meet fuelled and ready to go at the Ampol, Curran Drive, Nicholls (Gold Creek), for a prompt 08:00 departure (it’ll be a long day). 

GS Riders: Those with an urge to find gravel or dirt could take the unsealed route/s from Canberra to Tumut, as well as back home from Tumut.

Register if you're interested in coming so I can let the Brewery know likely numbers for lunch. Please email if you plan to meet the group on the way, e.g. at Gundagai or Tumut.

Note: Proposed regroup/rest points (to agree on the day):

·         Gundagai (coffee stop)

·         Tumut Shell Coles Express (168-170 Snowy Mtns Hwy) - fuel and rest stop

Note: The Tumut loop back to the brewery is 130km (mainly 80km/hr zones) with no fuel or facilities.

·         Wondalga, Broadleaf Park and Courabyra Rds (depending on numbers of riders).



Note 14/11: The weather’s looking promising for a hopefully dry, or just lightly-sprinkled-on ride on Saturday. For those joining the ride along the way, or making their own way to Tumut via dirt or via Cooma, here are the meeting points with best guess times:

  • Ampol (Curran Drive, Nicholls) Gold Creek – leaving 8am
  • Barney’s Café (Fagan Drive), Bookham – leaving 9am
  • Gundagai District Services Club (Sheridan Street) – arriving 09:50, leaving 10:30 (coffee stop)
  • Tumut Shell Coles Express (168-170 Snowy Mtns Hwy) – arriving 11:15, leaving 11:30 (refuel)
  • Tumut - Wondalga -Taradale/Rosewood -Wondalga – Tumut loop (130km)
  • Tumut River Brewery (1/5 Capper Street) – arriving 13:15 (lunch booking @13:30) - meeting points

The roads were in mostly good condition when I went through last Wednesday (9th November), except some tedious pot-holey sections on Batlow Rd. Flood ways and causeways were all dry.

There are major roadworks in Tumut at the intersection of Gocup Rd and Snowy Mountains Hwy (building a roundabout). Expect 5–10-minute delays. As we return from the ride for lunch, there is no right turn access from the Snowy Mountains Hwy to the brewery on Capper Street. Detour via Simpson St (right turn immediately after the Ampol Servo), onto Carey St then onto Capper St (brewery is at the end of Capper St): - brewery detour

Poor planning on my part means that this time Gocup Rd might be a better option than Brungle Rd from Gundagai to Tumut. The Brungle Christmas Markets are on (09:00-14:00) and traffic could be busier on this narrow road.

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