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  • Day Ride to Gundagai, NSW (Club Event)

Day Ride to Gundagai, NSW (Club Event)

  • 27 Aug 2022
  • 08:30 - 17:00
  • Gundagai District Services Club (TS2)

Update 19th August See Note at end of page

Join the Club for an it’s almost spring day ride and lunch at Gundagai District Services Club. Outbound via the Barton and Hume Hwys to Lachlan Valley Way, Cunningar Rd and Burley Griffin Way to Murrrumburrah (with coffee stop in Murrumburrah at Barnes Store Cafe). Onto Gundagai via Cootamundra and Coolac, then picking up Gobarralong, Darbalara and Brungle Rds for a scenic, winding ride through to Gundagai. Return via the Hume Hwy to Jugiong, picking up Jugiong Rd to Harden and then onto Burley Griffin Way and the Hume and Barton Hwys back to Canberra.

Approximately 450km on sealed main and secondary roads, expecting to be home before sunset. Break/stop if needed on the return leg to be decided on the day.

Google Maps (hoping this link works!)

Meet fuelled and ready to go at the Ampol/Caltex Foodary (Curran  Drive, Gold Creek (Nicholls)) for a prompt 08:30 departure. Please email if you plan to meet the group on the way, or at Gundagai.

Fuel (for the small tank set) is available in Murrumburrah and Gundagai.

Register if you're interested in coming so we can let the Services Club know likely numbers for lunch.




I rode the proposed route on Wednesday (17th August) to see if any changes might be needed for roads around Gundagai and Cootamundra after the recent deluge and dam spilling. There was lots of water on the sides of some roads; however, all roads were open and mostly dry, with debris cleared from those that had flooded:

Olympic Way (between Wallendbeen and Coota): Short section of contraflow roadworks (onto a sealed surface).

Muttama Rd (immediately leaving Muttama): The entire road surface across both lanes on a right hand bend has lifted and disintegrated (raised areas, lumps of loose bitumen, road base and earth exposed). The affected area (only 2m or so in length) is clearly visible on approach (I can’t remember if it was sign-posted though) and needs care, but didn’t present any problems for a road bike with road tyres.

Gobarralong Rd: Some damaged areas (nothing major) and easy to navigate around. Some good views on the higher section of the flooded river below. Causeways were dry.

Darbalara  Rd: Same as for Gobarralong Rd with a couple of short muddy sections that aren’t quite dry yet (but didn’t present any unexpected exhilarating moments on road tyres). Plenty of well-behaved sheep and cute lambs on the lower sections of this road (including a few lying down in the middle of the road) at the start of this road, as a fair bit of their paddock was still part of the Murrumbidgee. Two causeways towards the end of this road had clear, slow-flowing water through them (a couple of inches at most), with causeway surfaces visible and in good condition (no problems on road tyres).

Brungle Rd: In reasonably good condition, although the sign for the hard right-hand turn off Darbalara Rd is missing. Hopefully no-one overshoots this and adds in an unexpected visit to Brungle (although Brungle Rd itself is a great ride)!

If there’s no significant rain or increase in dam spillage over the next week, then the proposed route should be fine for the ride on the 27th.

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