BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • Motorcyclist Accident Management Training Course (Club Event)

Motorcyclist Accident Management Training Course (Club Event)

  • 25 Sep 2021
  • 09:00 - 16:00
  • Downer Community Centre


Registration is closed

The BMWMCCACT offers incentives to financial members that complete advanced rider training subject to T&Cs, see Member Rider & First Aid Training.

The Motorcycle Accident Management Training is a whole day course and you will receive a nationally recognised competency. The event will be held at the Downer Community Centre, Frencham Place Downer ACT.

The Ride Coordinator has signed up with the course cost is $165 per person.  Check their website for more information

 Your registration here is for interest in a group ride to/from the venue only. You will have to pay the course provider separately.

Please email the ride coordinator if you have any questions and include 'First Aid Training Course' in the subject line.

The BMWMCC Inc, Committee and Members are not liable to any participant injured or for damage to any motorcycle or personal effects that occurs before, during or after any registrant or public attending this course.

The BMWMCC Inc. is not responsible for the content of external sites.  Read Why or email  © BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra Inc. (BMWMCC) 2021.  We changed names from BMW Motorcycle Club ACT.  
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