BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Club GS ride over the Tinderry Range (Club Event)

Club GS ride over the Tinderry Range (Club Event)

  • 25 Jul 2021
  • 08:30 - 13:30
  • Tinderry

Join the Club for a GS2 (Club Event) ride over the Tinderry Range. RIDE HAS BEEN POSTPONED!

The ride will start at Jerrabomberra and head over the Tinderry Range to Captains Flat and with weather, interest and time permitting we can head to Majors creek for Lunch.

Meet at 0830 at the Jerrabomberra Caltex Servo, fuelled and ready for 0900 departure.

So if you are flexible and up for a bit of an adventure sign up. 

Here is a google map link of the intended route


Cameron Major

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