Updated 13 May 2021
The first 90 early registrants will receive a memorabilia gift at the rally. Rallyists 91+ will receive a memorabilia gift after the rally and distributed through the nearest BMW Club.
Munich Motorcycles (click to shop) are major supporters of the rally raffle. Along with the 3 host Clubs, be sure to buy your ticket(s) on line or at the rally and chance to win.
The BMW Clubs Australia National Motorrad Rally 2021 (NMR21) will be co-hosted by the BMWOCSA, BMWTCNSW and BMWMCC over the Queen's Birthday long weekend 11-13 June 2021 in Condobolin NSW.
NMR21 is open to any financial member of an Official BMW Club and their partner as a guest. The rally is not open to the public.
Rallyists will need to register their and partner attendance and pay the entry fee and selected meal and activity options. Click for BMWCA NMR21 Event Information.pdf (subject to change).
Rallyist's are responsible for organising and paying for their own accommodation including any cancellation fees charged by providers. A list of accomodation options is listed in the event information.
NMR21 Raffle
We are excited to announce that Munich Motorcycles (WA) have offered 3x$100 in-store vouchers as major raffle prizes at NMR21.
Smart Moto have also offered to support the rally with the raffle and in-store vouchers.
Click the logos to visit and shop online at either of these two commercial supporters and help keep your $$ in Australia. You can purchase raffle tickets online, when registering or at the rally and you do not need to be in Condobolin to win.
The 3 co-host Clubs have also matched the sponsor prizes, so make sure you buy some tickets. ALL proceeds go to charity.
Note: The organising committee decision is final on winners and prizes cannot be redeemed for cash.
NMR21 and venues are subject to COVID-19 safety rules. There is no refund for registering, but we will send you the badge as a memento (rallies are not without costs unfortunately). Do not come to the event if you have or suspect you may have or been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 person. Check the NSW Health COVID-19 website https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19.
The organising Clubs are not responsible for any border closure or mandated or self quarantine costs or losses.

BMW Clubs Australia Inc (BMWCA), BMW Touring Club of NSW Inc. (BMWTCNSW), BMW Owners Club South Australia Inc. (BMWOCSA) or BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra Inc. (BMWMCC) are not responsible or liable for any injury or loss by any registrant attending and during the National Motorrad Rally 2021. This includes travel to, at and from the rally. Your registration to the event is acknowledgment and acceptance of these conditions.