BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • CANCELLED - 2020 Capital Rally, MRAACT

CANCELLED - 2020 Capital Rally, MRAACT

  • 10 Jan 2020
  • 14:00
  • 12 Jan 2020
  • 15:00
  • Stewarts Crossing Campground, Oallen on Shoalhaven River NSW


UPDATE 1 Jan 20 - Due to the bushfires and road closures in the area, the Capital Rally has been CANCELLED.

The MRA Capital Rally is the first rally of the New Year and close enough to Canberra to make it a day trip or overnight camp.

This is a back to basics rally, ie: bring your own everything, but there are toilets onsite and the crocodile free Shoalhaven River to swim in.  For those that can only Rally with a fire, there may be a fire ban.

The access road does include dirt that is pretty good from Braidwood - Nerriga Road (includes a concrete causeway) and can be bumpy from the Tarago end.  Easy road bike capable, GS owners will need to assume the 'attack stance'.

Need a map?  Then check out Google's Map here.

Questions?  Call or email George (Scarfey) Scarfe 0428 464 618

The BMWMCCACT is not the organiser of this rally

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