BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • SAMA Tours (South Africa) Presentation

SAMA Tours (South Africa) Presentation

  • 25 May 2018
  • 18:00 - 20:00
  • Rolfe BMW Motorrad, 2 Botany St Phillip

Registration is closed

Nicole Berman from SAMA Tours (South Africa) will be providing a talk and slide show on SAMA's hosted motorcycle tours in South Africa and neighbouring countries.

The Rolfe Motorrad sales team of Michael, Brett along with Martine (Marketing) will be hosting a Braai (South African BBQ) on the evening and invite you to join them on the night for some South African themed food including a Boerewors roll.

Nicole is also offering a chance to win a 17 day motorcycle tour of South Africa (drawn in August 2018).

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