BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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i98FM Illawarra Convoy (Ride & Fund Raising)

  • 17 Nov 2018
  • 12:00
  • 18 Nov 2018
  • 16:00
  • Wollongong, NSW


Registration is closed

  i98FM’s Illawarra Convoy has been a much-anticipated community event on the Illawarra calendar since it’s inception in 2005. The 2017 Convoy which was held on Sunday, November 19, raised an astounding total of $1,928,492 for The Illawarra Community Foundation.

  The event which is now in its 13 year, saw 714 trucks and 931 motorbikes travel 70 kilometres from Illawarra Coal’s West Cliff Colliery at Appin, through the streets of the Illawarra, to finish up at the Croome Road Sporting Complex in Albion Park Rail. Registrations are open to all Truck and Motorbike enthusiasts who can take part for a $30 donation.

  All monies raised in this year’s event will go to the Illawarra Community Foundation who will distribute funds to local charities and families who are facing life threatening illness. Submissions for funding can be made at the Convoy website involvement.  The Club registration allows for a Saturday ride and overnight near the start point at Appin, riding to Wollongong before returning to Canberra.  You can also ride up and back for the day.  You must register to ride with the convoy separately. 

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