BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Motorcycle Accident Management Training - Wagga

Motorcycle Accident Management Training - Wagga

  • 16 Sep 2017
  • 10:30 - 16:00
  • Lawson Motor Inn, Wagga, NSW


Registration is closed

Live in Wagga or would like to ride to Wagga and attend a 1/2 day motorcycle specific first aid training on Saturday 16 September 2017?

Then Roger France and team will be in Wagga and running a RMS subsidised first aid training course for motorcyclists. If you are a BMWMCCACT financial member then with your $50 (max) subsidy, you will be going along for free.

You need book online beforehand, so check the FAfM website or read/click the poster or contact Roger on 0427 464 266.


This is not a BMWMCCACT organised event and provided as general information to members and community.

The BMWMCC Inc. is not responsible for the content of external sites.  Read Why or email  © BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra Inc. (BMWMCC) 2021.  We changed names from BMW Motorcycle Club ACT.  
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