BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • MRA ACT Annual General Meeting

MRA ACT Annual General Meeting

  • 12 Sep 2017
  • 19:30
  • Deakin Sports (Soccer Club)

Community Service Anouncement

The MRA ACT Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th September starting at 7.30pm at the Deakin Sports (Soccer Club) (in the bistro area).

All Committee members will be standing down and some will not be standing for election again. If nobody steps into those roles then the MRA ACT is in danger of not being able to continue the strong and very effective advocacy
role it has been doing for nearly 40 years.

The outgoing committee have shown a lot of commitment, hard work, loyalty, consideration of the large picture, advocacy and continual lobbying on behalf of all riders in the ACT in the past 12  months.

The MRA ACT is now in a good place in this Territory, working effectively with Government, having the MASTERS courses funded for several years, achieving increasing support for the Motorcycle Awareness Week (which
includes the Joe Rider Campaign), assisting with the implementation of the outcomes and recommendations of the Vulnerable Road User enquiry, which we responded to and saw many of our recommendations carried. The work to fully
implement those recommendations is vital and important and cannot continue without the people to make it happen.

As always, we are looking forward to seeing volunteers willing to make a difference, at the AGM in a few weeks time. It is a case of the more the merrier and there are many small jobs available for those who don't want to make a major commitment to a committee position.

Details of the meeting are also on our website if you are able to refer your members to that as well.

As always, keep the shiny side up

Jenny Carlin
MotorcycleRiders Association of the ACT (MRA ACT)
Mobile: 0414 306 270
Find us on Facebook (group: MRA ACT)

The MRA ACT supports the UN's Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

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