BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • 2018 Loaded Dog Rally, Struggletown Tourers

2018 Loaded Dog Rally, Struggletown Tourers

  • 11 May 2018
  • 12:00
  • 13 May 2018
  • 15:00
  • Tarago Showground, Braidwood Rd Tarago NSW


New to rallying?  Then what better than the Loaded Dog Rally at Tarago Showgrounds (grass, fire wood, showers and toilets) is only 72km from Canberra via sealed roads and fully catered with the Loaded Dog Hotel & Servo 1km down the road.

On site catering from Saturday lunch to Sunday breakfast.

Prepaid $15 and $20 at the gate, so why not come along?  Inquiries to

Make your on way there as a day trip or camp overnight as a new or introduction to rallying?  Never been to the Showgrounds at Tarago and need a map?

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