BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • 41st Historic Winton Racing Weekend

41st Historic Winton Racing Weekend

  • 27 May 2017
  • 08:00
  • 28 May 2017
  • 15:00
  • Winton Raceway, Victoria

Conducted by the Austin 7 Club Inc with the assistance of the HMRAV at Winton Raceway, near Benalla Victoria. 

Historic Winton - Honouring the Past – Australia’s largest and most popular all-historic motor race meeting presents two big days of non-stop racing. The event will feature over 400 historic racing cars and motorbikes from the 1920s to the 1980s plus a huge heritage display of veteran and vintage vehicles.

Raceway entry fees:  Sat $30, Sun $35, weekend $60, children 16 and under n/c, competition paddock $5. Camping at the track: $25/head per night. Camping enquiries: Winton Motor Raceway 03 5760 7100.

Check the website for details:

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