BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Day Ride, Friendly Inn, Kangaroo Valley for Lunch (Club Event)

Day Ride, Friendly Inn, Kangaroo Valley for Lunch (Club Event)

  • 10 Apr 2016
  • 09:30 - 16:00 (AEST)
  • Friendly Inn, Kangaroo Valley


Registration is closed

Make the most of autumn's sunny riding weather for this @ short notice ride to the Friendly Inn Kangaroo Valley for lunch.

Meet at the Red Rooster Queanbeyan from 0900 for a 0930 departure and reverse loop; Tarago, Marulan, Bundanoon (coffee), KV, Nowra, M92, Nerriga, Taralga & Queanbeyan.

Use the registration form an earn yourself some points for the Club Person of the Year.

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