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  • BMWMCCACT March Ride-2-Brunch (Club Event)

BMWMCCACT March Ride-2-Brunch (Club Event)

  • 06 Mar 2016
  • 08:30
  • Rose's Cafe in Goulburn


Registration is closed

Updated 15 Feb 16

Ride-2-Brunch at Rose's Cafe, Goulburn, opposite Goulburn's Central Park

Join Social Sec Martin on a combined Club ride and delicious meal at Rose's Cafe in Goulburn.

Meet outside the Red Rooster on Bungendore Rd, Queanbeyan, ride out at 8:30am. We will pass through Bungendore, Tarago and Lake Bathurst and stop at the Central Park in Goulburn. Rose's has a selection of full and light meals and plenty of good coffee.

The route home can be decided on the day. I will suggest we head to the west on Range Rd to Grabben Gullen and Gunning and the home.

Please register so I have an idea of the number of seats/tables required at Rose's.

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