BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Day Ride - Batemans Bay or Kangaroo Valley (Club Event)

Day Ride - Batemans Bay or Kangaroo Valley (Club Event)

  • 31 Jan 2016
  • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Batemans Bay or Kangaroo Valley NSW


Registration is closed

A day ride to make the most of summer and subject to rain at the start point - Red Rooster Queanbeyan, Kings Highway verge.

Option 1.  Ride to Batemans Bay for fish 'n' chips' and return.

Option 2.  Ride to Nerriga and on to Kangaroo Valley's Friendly Inn for a counter lunch and return via Bundanoon Valley, Marulan, Tarago and Bungendore.

The weekend forecast is for showers (`8mm) rain, so the route can be amended on the day at the start point. Forecast for:

Return will be to Queanbeyan for the south side or north side can depart from Bungendore.

Please use the registration form to indicate your attendance and preference. 

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