BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • 2015 MRAACT Annual Toy Run

2015 MRAACT Annual Toy Run

  • 12 Dec 2015
  • 08:00 - 12:00
  • Old Parliament House, Barton, ACT
Is an annual event that has been raising money and donating goods for those in need at Christmas for 35 years!

 This year we are again supporting the Salvation Army and St John’s Care’s Christmas Appeals and ask that participants bring along toys for all ages, cash and non-perishable foods.

Meet at Old Parliament House at 8.00am for the best coffee and bacon and egg rolls.  The ride departs at 10.00am for the mass ride around the city, ending up back at Old Parliament House.

Spectators are encouraged to line the route and turn up at Old Parliament House for the presentation of the donated goods and cash.

Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed riders, pillions and decorated bikes, largest corporate group, the largest club attendance and the club supporting the largest Christmas theme!

Details will shortly be available on our website: , or you can contact the MRA ACT President, Jen Woods: or 0448 336 111.

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