BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • BMW Motorcycle and Car Show (Club Event)

BMW Motorcycle and Car Show (Club Event)

  • 11 Oct 2015
  • 09:00 - 16:00
  • Rushcutters Bay Sydney, NSW


  • The BMWTCNSW and BMWCCNSW are organising a show in Sydney to celebrate the 40th anniversary of BMW's 3 series and a historic motorcycle ride from Sydney to Melbourne and MotoGP.

    Participants i the ride must register on the event page. BMWMCCACT has no organisational involvelemnt in either event.

Registration is closed

The BMW Touring Club of NSW and the BMW Drivers Club is holding a combined motorcycle and car BMW Show Day in Sydney on Sunday 11th October 2015.

It is the first combined BMW Show Day held in NSW by the BMW Motorcycle and Car Clubs.  The venue is Rushcutters Bay Park on Sydney Harbour.  All car and motorcycle enthusiasts are welcome to attend.

All BMW motorcycles are welcome to be displayed. There is an entry form attached to the website for the BMW Show Day.

The BMW Show Day is followed by the Zündschlüssel Run leaving from the BMW Show Day and travelling to Jamberoo down the coast road to Melbourne.

It finishes on Friday 16 October in Melbourne.

All BMW motorcycles are welcome on the Run and classic motorcycles are encouraged.

There will be overnight stops at Jamberoo, Narooma, Mallacoota and Sale.

There is a display of classic BMWs on Sunday 18th October at the Moto GP on Phillip Island.

Zündschlüssel is the ignition key for all early BMW motorcycles.

We would love to see as many of these BMW motorcycles at the BMW Show Day and on the Zündschlüssel Run.

The details of the BMW Show Day and the Zündschlüssel Run to Melbourne following the event are on the website:

There is a section to subscribe to the newsletter to obtain updates of the events. Please review the information on the website and  subscribe to the newsletter to obtain updates of the events.

We are seeking BMW motorcycles for International Delegates who are participating on the Run.

If there is sufficient registered interest, the Club will make a group ride up in the morning and ride down the coast with the group.  Register online or email

The BMWMCC Inc. is not responsible for the content of external sites.  Read Why or email  © BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra Inc. (BMWMCC) 2021.  We changed names from BMW Motorcycle Club ACT.  
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