BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Blue Waterholes Overnight Ride (Club Event)

Blue Waterholes Overnight Ride (Club Event)

  • 20 Feb 2016
  • 08:30
  • 21 Feb 2016
  • 15:00
  • Depart from Weston Creek Car Park (adjacent Maccas)


Registration is closed

Updated 16 Feb 16 

This is an overnight ride for the GS brigade via gravel roads through the Brindabella valley to KNP then Barnetts, Bramina, Boundary and Broken Cart trails to Blue Waterholes Camp Ground in Kosciuszko National Park.

KNP Tumut office map of the route through to Blue Waterholes can be seen here and a Google Map here.  Check here for up to date road closures.

This is a "back to basics" ride involving an overnight camp near Cooleman Homestead so bring your own food, water (creek water available) & camp gear.  Pit toilets are available were we camp at Blue Waterholes.

Fires:  KNP has a park fire pan in place.  No solid fuel fires (wood, briquettes etc) are permitted.  Gas and fuel stoves are permitted under adult supervision.

Weather:  This is an alpine region so temperatures can range from single figures to mid 30's Celsius at this time of year, so be prepared.  If it is inclement weather we will reassess, rather than ride the top entry section that can be mud.  Nearby Mt Selwyn weather forecast is here

We will return the following day, via Adaminaby (81km) for brunch and then either Yaouk or Shannons Flat to Tharwa and home.  An alternate option for the time poor is bitumen via Snowy Mtn Highway to Cooma and then the Monaro Hwy to Canberra.

Blue Waterholes Camp Ground is located in a karst region of small limestone caves and gorges, such as nearby Clarke Gorge. Swimming is an option, albeit a cold one, so pack the swimmers and we'll relive our pioneering heritage with a visit to historic Cooleman Homestead on Sunday morning.

More info on the Blue Waterholes can be found here and here.

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