BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • BMWMCCACT November Monthly General Meeting (Club Event)

BMWMCCACT November Monthly General Meeting (Club Event)

  • 22 Nov 2015
  • 08:30
  • Scrivener Dam BBQ's, off Lady Denman Drive


Registration is closed

The regular monthly club meeting wil be held at Scrivener Dam BBQ's, off Lady Denman Drive following the usual cooked breakfast starting at 0830.

For $5 you can purchase one egg & bacon roll + one coffee.  Additional coffee's are $2 each.  Please bring the right change.

The meeting will start ~0915, finish at 1000 and followed by a ride to a location organised on the day.

This will be the last event to score points in the BMWMCCACT Club Person of the Year award and presented at the Awards & Christmas luncheon.

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