BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Day Ride to Eden Wharf for Lunch and Return (Club Event)

Day Ride to Eden Wharf for Lunch and Return (Club Event)

  • 29 Sep 2014
  • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Canberra - Eden Wharf - Canberra

Updated 26 Sep 14

To celebrate the ACT Family and Community Day, I am taking a ride to Eden Wharf for lunch and invite Club Members to join me.

Leaving the BP Halley St Chisholm at 0900 with a route map here but happy to make 'group' changes on the day.

If it's raining, then you will be riding on your own or it will be brunch at the Chisholm Tavern (behind the BP) that now does breakfasts.

Email Garry at

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